What is the Mystic Archetype?
The mystic is the symbol of inner guidance and intuition that resides within all beings. She is known for her spiritual insight and intuitive understanding of the nature of reality and serves as a bridge between the physical and the metaphysical world.
She possesses an enigmatic and ethereal quality that transcends the ordinary and mundane and serves as an inspiration to anyone who comes into contact with her. Deeply connected to the higher realms, she knows that the true nature of reality is beyond the reach of the five senses, and relates to her physical world from a deep sense of inner peace.
Mysticism is a spiritual practice of transcending the material plane and tapping into the multidimensional self for a more profound understanding of the universe. This experience is often described as an "awakening" or "enlightenment".
Contrary to popular belief, this state of consciousness is not only available to a select few. In fact, there are tools available to everyone who seeks to know themselves beyond the 3D. Through the use of meditation, contemplation, and other spiritual practices one can embark on a spiritual quest to experience enlightenment, or at least understand themselves beyond the dimension of the mind.
Activate the Mystic Within
The Mystic reveals her secrets during moments of stillness. By making a commitment to bring moments of stillness to your day to day life, you will begin to raise your frequency and slowly start to embody the energy of the mystic.
The following practices of stillness will open the portal for you to merge with the magic of the mystic.
Sit in Meditation
Meditation is a practice of creating enough space between thoughts so that the divine can speak and the unknown can occur. It involves training the mind to focus and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
Thoughts are a natural part of the human experience, but the onslaught of too many thoughts crowds the mind and creates obstructions that can impede us from experiencing our connection to source.
To start meditating, you can find a quiet place to sit or lie down where you won't be disturbed. You can set a timer for a specific amount of time or even try a guided meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath.
If meditation is particularly challenging for you, you can start with a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is about becoming the observer. The observer of your thoughts, the observer of your experience. It calms down the sympathetic nervous system and trains you to witness your sensations with the discipline of a ninja. You can practice mindfulness at any time, with eyes open and eyes closed, while performing a task, engaging in a conversation, or simply being still, seeing what comes up, experiencing the discomfort, and breathing through it without reacting.
Over time, you’ll get good at noticing the interplay between your thoughts and physical sensations. You’ll be able to track how particular thoughts register in your body, and use this skill to revisit your past as needed.
The more you practice mindfulness, the more you can start to detach from your ego. You will understand that your ego is being run by a series of programs that are telling you to do, think, feel, and act a certain way. This realization becomes really useful when facing something you perceive as negative or undesirable, because you can start to allow things to move through you without attaching or trying to control them. You’ll find this technique to be quite helpful in many aspects of your life.
Work with the breath
Breathwork is a holistic practice that involves the use of conscious and controlled breathing techniques to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It can involve a variety of different techniques, such as deep breathing, slow breathing, and alternate nostril breathing. Not only does breathwork reduce stress and anxiety and promote overall health and well-being, it’s a powerful release tool.
While meditation is a skill that gets refined over the course of steady practice, breathwork is a fast-track approach to connect with the divine. It doesn’t require any skill or preparation. Simply choose a technique, turn on a guided meditation or playlist and start breathing
Awaken your Singing Voice
Sound healing and voice activation are powerful tools to invoke the mystic energy. Sound healing involves the use of instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes, as well as vocal toning, chanting, and other forms of vocal expression.
The frequency of certain sounds can be very healing as they trigger a remembrance of who you are beyond your ego identity. The practice of toning to sound is a beautiful way to open the heart and let the soul speak.
Invoke the Mystic with your Miramaya Kimono
- Find a secluded place that feels very sacred and mystical. This can be at home, in nature, or at a temple or church
- Put on your Mystic kimono, Kaftan or dress.
- Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind of any distractions.
- Light a candle or incense and speak the following words, "I call upon the mystic within me, my intuition, my higher self, to open my heart and guide me in all aspects of my life.”
- Visualize your Mystic avatar in all its splendor. Focus on this archetype and its characteristics. Think about the stillness, beauty, of the mystic, and her connection to the universe. Allow these qualities to fill you love and trust in the world of the unseen.
- Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes. Blow out the candle or incense and take a moment to reflect on the ritual. Carry the energy and strength of the mystic as you move forward with your life.
- Repeat the ritual whenever you need to tap into the Mystic archetype and wear your Mystic kimono to remind you of your splendor and divinity.